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CGHS Rate List

Sr.No. Category Name Surgery Name NABH Rate NON-NABH Rate
1 Bio-Chemistry Acid Phosphatase (2002-SP) 150 150
2 Bio-Chemistry Alkaline Phosphatase (2002-SP) 125 125
3 Bio-Chemistry Blood gas analysis (2002-SP) 352.5 352.5
4 Bio-Chemistry Blood gas analysis with electrolytes (2002-SP) 505 505
5 Bio-Chemistry Blood Glucose (2002-SP) 62.5 62.5
6 Bio-Chemistry Blood Glucose (Fasting & PP) (2002-SP) 125 125
7 Bio-Chemistry Blood Urea Nitrogen (2002-SP) 75 75
8 Bio-Chemistry CK MB (2002-SP) 403.75 403.75
9 Bio-Chemistry Cortisol (2002-SP) 631.25 631.25
10 Bio-Chemistry C.P.K (2002-SP) 252.5 252.5
11 Bio-Chemistry FSH (2002-SP) 631.25 631.25
12 Bio-Chemistry FSH (2002-SP) 631.25 631.25
13 Bio-Chemistry Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) (2002-SP) 302.5 302.5
14 Bio-Chemistry HDL Cholesterol (2002-SP) 175 175
15 Bio-Chemistry L. D. H (2002-SP) 200 200
16 Bio-Chemistry LDH & LDL (2002-SP) 315 315
17 Bio-Chemistry L. D. L. (2002-SP) 187.5 187.5
18 Bio-Chemistry L . H. (2002-SP) 631.25 631.25
19 Bio-Chemistry LH (2002-SP) 631.25 631.25
20 Bio-Chemistry Prolactin (2002-SP) 631.25 631.25
21 Bio-Chemistry Prolactin (2002-SP) 631.25 631.25
22 Bio-Chemistry Serum Amylase (2002-SP) 226.25 226.25
23 Bio-Chemistry Serum Bilirubin total & direct (2002-SP) 175 175
24 Bio-Chemistry Serum Calcium (2002-SP) 100 100
25 Bio-Chemistry Serum Cholesterol (2002-SP) 100 100
26 Bio-Chemistry Serum Creatinine (2002-SP) 87.5 87.5
27 Bio-Chemistry Serum Electrolyte (2002-SP) 252.5 252.5
28 Bio-Chemistry Serum Iron (2002-SP) 252.5 252.5
29 Bio-Chemistry Serum Phosphorus (2002-SP) 100 100
30 Bio-Chemistry Serum Triglyceride (2002-SP) 200 200
31 Bio-Chemistry Serum Uric Acid (2002-SP) 100 100
32 Bio-Chemistry S.G.O.T. (2002-SP) 112.5 112.5
33 Bio-Chemistry S. G. P. T. (2002-SP) 112.5 112.5
34 Bio-Chemistry T-3 (2002-SP) 378.75 378.75
35 Bio-Chemistry T3 T4 TSH (2002-SP) 1072.5 1072.5
36 Bio-Chemistry T-4 (2002-SP) 378.75 378.75
37 Bio-Chemistry Total Iron Binding Capacity (2002-SP) 252.5 252.5
38 Bio-Chemistry Total Protein Alb/Glo Ratio (2002-SP) 125 125
39 Bio-Chemistry TSH (2002-SP) 378.75 378.75
40 Blood Bank Australia Antigen- HbsAg (2002-SP) 200 200
41 Blood Bank Blood Bank bag and solution (2002-SP) 175 175
42 Blood Bank Blood Group & RHO Type (2002-SP) 100 100
43 Blood Bank Coomb?s Test Direct (2002-SP) 150 150
44 Blood Bank Coomb?s Test Indirect (2002-SP) 150 150
45 Blood Bank Cross match (2002-SP) 50 50
46 Blood Bank Packed cell preparation (2002-SP) 378.75 378.75
47 Blood Bank Rho-Antibody titer (2002-SP) 175 175
48 Cardiology Aortogram (2002-SP) 11362.5 11362.5
49 Cardiology Cardiac Cath Angiography (Wlo Coronary Angio) (2002-SP) 16412.5 16412.5
50 Cardiology Catheterisation (Coronary Angiography) (2002-SP) 22500 22500
51 Cardiology Coronary Angiography (2002-SP) 22500 22500
52 Cardiology Coronary Balloon Angioplasty (2002-SP) 150000 150000
53 Cardiology Holter Analysis (2002-SP) 2020 2020
54 Cardiology Holter Report (with Procedure Specification) (2002-SP) 2020 2020
55 Cardiology Oxygen Saturation (2002-SP) 518.75 518.75
56 Cardiology Oxygen Saturation (2002-SP) 378.75 378.75
57 Cardiology Package charges for Cardiovascular investigation (2002-SP) 883.75 883.75
58 Cardiology Pericardiocentesis (2002-SP) 4040 4040
59 Cardiology Permanent Pacemaker Implantation without cost of pacemaker (2002-SP) 20200 20200
60 Cardiology PKG Charges for Cardiovascular Investigation (2002-SP) 4545 4545
61 Cardiology Pulmonary function test (2002-SP) 1063 1063
62 Cardiology Pulmonary function test (2002-SP) 1041.25 1041.25
63 Cardiology Temporary Pacemaker Implantation without cost of pacemaker (2002-SP) 15150 15150
64 Cardiology Test for Pacemaker (2002-SP) 518.75 518.75
65 Cardiology Test of Pacemaker (2002-SP) 757.5 757.5
66 Cardiology Tests of Pacemaker (2002-SP) 631.25 631.25
67 Clinical Pathology Bence Jones protein (2002-SP) 100 100
68 Clinical Pathology Body fluids - C.S.F, pleural/Ascitic etc- Chemistry, Sugar, Protein etc. (2002-SP) 302.5 302.5
69 Clinical Pathology Body fluids - C.S.F, pleural/Ascitic etc- Malignant cells (2002-SP) 200 200
70 Clinical Pathology Post coital smear examination (2002-SP) 87.5 87.5
71 Clinical Pathology Quantitative Albumin/Sugar (2002-SP) 50 50
72 Clinical Pathology Smear analysis (2002-SP) 87.5 87.5
73 Clinical Pathology Stool occult blood (2002-SP) 25 25
74 Clinical Pathology Stool routine (2002-SP) 50 50
75 Clinical Pathology Urine Bile Pigment and Salt (2002-SP) 50 50
76 Clinical Pathology Urine Chloride (2002-SP) 100 100
77 Clinical Pathology Urine Ketones (2002-SP) 50 50
78 Clinical Pathology Urine Occult Blood (2002-SP) 50 50
79 Clinical Pathology Urine pregnancy test (2002-SP) 200 200
80 Clinical Pathology Urine routine (2002-SP) 50 50
81 Clinical Pathology Urine Sodium (2002-SP) 100 100
82 Clinical Pathology Urine total proteins (2002-SP) 100 100
83 Clinical Pathology Urine Urobilinogen (2002-SP) 50 50
84 Dental Apiscectomy including LA (2002-SP) 807.5 807.5
85 Dental Complicated Ext. per Tooth including LA (2002-SP) 252.5 252.5
86 Dental Cyst under LA (large) (2002-SP) 631.25 631.25
87 Dental Cyst under LA (small) (2002-SP) 378.75 378.75
88 Dental Excision / Enucleation of Dental Cysts (2002-SP) 8332.5 8332.5
89 Dental Extraction of tooth including LA (2002-SP) 125 125
90 Dental Flap Operation per Tooth (2002-SP) 505 505
91 Dental Fracture wiring including L.A. (2002-SP) 1010 1010
92 Dental Gingivectomy per tooth (2002-SP) 302.5 302.5
93 Dental Impacted Molar including LA (2002-SP) 807.5 807.5
94 Dental Intra oral X-ray (2002-SP) 100 100
95 Gastro And Hepatobiliary Gastric & Duodenal Biopsy (Endoscopic) (2002-SP) 3030 3030
96 Gastro And Hepatobiliary Gastroscopy (2002-SP) 2020 2020
97 Gastro And Hepatobiliary Gastrostomy (2002-SP) 13130 13130
98 Gastro And Hepatobiliary Pyleromyotomy (2002-SP) 10100 10100
99 Gastro And Hepatobiliary Simple Closure of Perforated Peptic Ulcer (2002-SP) 13887.5 13887.5
100 Gastro And Hepatobiliary Vagotomy Pyloroplasty /Gastro Jejunostomy (2002-SP) 26250 26250
101 Genitourinary Adrenalectomy Unilateral/Bilateral for Tumour/for Carcinoma (2002-SP) 14140 14140
102 Genitourinary Biopsy of Bladder (Cystoscopic) (2002-SP) 7070 7070
103 Genitourinary Block Dissection of inguinal Nodes - Both Sides (2002-SP) 35350 35350
104 Genitourinary Block Dissection of inguinal Nodes - One Side (2002-SP) 25250 25250
105 Genitourinary Cavernostomy (2002-SP) 22725 22725
106 Genitourinary Circumcision (2002-SP) 4545 4545
107 Genitourinary Cutaneous Ureterostomy (2002-SP) 20200 20200
108 Genitourinary Cystolithotomy (2002-SP) 14140 14140
109 Genitourinary Cystoplasty (2002-SP) 29037.5 29037.5
110 Genitourinary Cystoscopy (2002-SP) 4797.5 4797.5
111 Genitourinary Diathermy Destruction of Bladder Neoplasm (2002-SP) 15150 15150
112 Genitourinary Diverticulectomy (2002-SP) 32320 32320
113 Genitourinary Dormia Extraction of Calculus (2002-SP) 11362.5 11362.5
114 Genitourinary Epididymectomy (2002-SP) 13130 13130
115 Genitourinary Excision of Filarial Scrotum (2002-SP) 16160 16160
116 Genitourinary Exploratory Scrototomy (2002-SP) 10100 10100
117 Genitourinary Formation of an Heal Conduit (2002-SP) 21462.5 21462.5
118 Genitourinary Hypospadiasis - Chordae Correction (2002-SP) 14140 14140
119 Genitourinary Hypospadiasis - Second Stage or One Stage Repair (2002-SP) 31815 31815
120 Genitourinary Internal Urethrotomy (2002-SP) 12625 12625
121 Genitourinary Laser prostatectomy (2002-SP) 47250 47250
122 Genitourinary Lithotripsy (2002-SP) 13130 13130
123 Genitourinary Meatoplasty (2002-SP) 7045 7045
124 Genitourinary Meatotomy (2002-SP) 7045 7045
125 Genitourinary Nephrectomy (2002-SP) 20000 20000
126 Genitourinary Nephrolithomy (2002-SP) 22725 22725
127 Genitourinary Nephrostomy (2002-SP) 11362.5 11362.5
128 Genitourinary Nephroureterectomy (2002-SP) 15150 15150
129 Genitourinary Open Drainage of Perinephric Abscess (2002-SP) 12625 12625
130 Genitourinary Open Prostectomy (2002-SP) 21715 21715
131 Genitourinary Open Resection of the Bladder Neck (2002-SP) 24240 24240
132 Genitourinary Operation for Congenital Valves of Urethra (2002-SP) 14140 14140
133 Genitourinary Operation for Torsion of Testis (2002-SP) 13130 13130
134 Genitourinary Operations for Cyst of the Kidney (2002-SP) 16160 16160
135 Genitourinary Operations for Epispadiasis (2002-SP) 21462.5 21462.5
136 Genitourinary Operations for Extrophy of the Bladder (2002-SP) 29037.5 29037.5
137 Genitourinary Operations for Hydrocele - Bilateral (2002-SP) 9595 9595
138 Genitourinary Operations for Hydrocele - Unilateral (2002-SP) 6565 6565
139 Genitourinary Operations for Hydronephrosis (2002-SP) 22725 22725
140 Genitourinary Operations for Incontinence of Urine - Female (2002-SP) 23735 23735
141 Genitourinary Operations for Incontinence of Urine - Male (2002-SP) 23735 23735
142 Genitourinary Operations for Injuries of the Bladder (2002-SP) 21715 21715
143 Genitourinary Operations for Injury to Urethra (2002-SP) 31815 31815
144 Genitourinary Operations for Ureter for Double Ureters (2002-SP) 25250 25250
145 Genitourinary Operations for Ureter for Ectopia of Single Ureter (2002-SP) 30300 30300
146 Genitourinary Operations for Varicocele (2002-SP) 11362.5 11362.5
147 Genitourinary Operations for Versicouretaric Reflux (2002-SP) 25250 25250
148 Genitourinary Orchidectomy (2002-SP) 13130 13130
149 Genitourinary Orchidopexy (2002-SP) 18180 18180
150 Genitourinary Orchidopexy Bilateral (2002-SP) 15655 15655
151 Genitourinary Orchidopexy Unilateral (2002-SP) 13130 13130
152 Genitourinary Partial Amputation of the Penis (2002-SP) 12120 12120
153 Genitourinary Partial Cystectomy (2002-SP) 29037.5 29037.5
154 Genitourinary Partial Nephrectomy (2002-SP) 20000 20000
155 Genitourinary Pyelolithotomy (2002-SP) 22725 22725
156 Genitourinary Reduction of Paraphimosis (2002-SP) 2525 2525
157 Genitourinary Repair of Ureterocele (2002-SP) 16412.5 16412.5
158 Genitourinary Repair Urinary Vaginal Fistula (2002-SP) 26512.5 26512.5
159 Genitourinary Retropubic Prostatectomy (2002-SP) 24745 24745
160 Genitourinary Suprapubic Drainage (Cystostomy) (2002-SP) 12625 12625
161 Genitourinary Suprapubic Prostatectomy (2002-SP) 25250 25250
162 Genitourinary Total Amputation of the Penis (2002-SP) 21715 21715
163 Genitourinary Total Cystectomy (2002-SP) 37875 37875
164 Genitourinary Transurethral Resection of Prostate (2002-SP) 28750 28750
165 Genitourinary Transurethral resection of Prostate (TURF) (2002-SP) 28750 28750
166 Genitourinary TURP Cystolithotripsy (2002-SP) 26250 26250
167 Genitourinary TURP & TUR Bladder Tumor (2002-SP) 26250 26250
168 Genitourinary Ureteric Catheterisation (2002-SP) 6565 6565
169 Genitourinary Ureterocolic Anastomosis (2002-SP) 20200 20200
170 Genitourinary Ureterolithotomy (2002-SP) 15150 15150
171 Genitourinary Urethral Dilatation (2002-SP) 2903.75 2903.75
172 Genitourinary Urethral Reconstruction (2002-SP) 31815 31815
173 Genitourinary Urethroscopy (2002-SP) 5050 5050
174 Genitourinary Vasectomy Should he free for family welfare (2002-SP) 0.01 0.01
175 Genitourinary Vasovasostomy (2002-SP) 18180 18180
176 Genitourinary Vesico Vaginal Fistula (2002-SP) 23987.5 23987.5
177 Genitourinary Y-V Plasty of the Bladder Neck (2002-SP) 24240 24240
178 Haematology Absolute Eosinophil count (2002-SP) 50 50
179 Haematology Bleeding & Clotting Time (2002-SP) 62.5 62.5
180 Haematology Bone marrow Smear Examination (2002-SP) 315 315
181 Haematology Clot Retraction Time (2002-SP) 50 50
182 Haematology Differential Leucocytic Count (DLC) (2002-SP) 37.5 37.5
183 Haematology E. S. R. (2002-SP) 37.5 37.5
184 Haematology Fetal Haemoglobin (Hb-F) (2002-SP) 200 200
185 Haematology Glucose Phosphate Dehydrogenase. (G 6 PD) (2002-SP) 200 200
186 Haematology Haemogram (2002-SP) 125 125
187 Haematology Hb, TLC, DLC, ER (2002-SP) 125 125
188 Haematology Hemoglobin (Hb) (2002-SP) 37.5 37.5
189 Haematology Hemoglobin, total & Differential Leucocyte Count (1-1b, TLC, DLC) (2002-SP) 100 100
190 Haematology L. E. Cell (2002-SP) 125 125
191 Haematology Packed Cell Volume (PCV) (2002-SP) 50 50
192 Haematology Partial Thromboplastin (2002-SP) 200 200
193 Haematology Peripheral Smear Examination (2002-SP) 62.5 62.5
194 Haematology Platelet count (2002-SP) 62.5 62.5
195 Haematology Prothrombin Time (P.T.) (2002-SP) 150 150
196 Haematology R.B.C. Fragility Test (2002-SP) 100 100
197 Haematology Reticulocyte count (2002-SP) 62.5 62.5
198 Haematology Smear for Malaria parasite (2002-SP) 50 50
199 Haematology Total Leucocytic Count (TLC) (2002-SP) 37.5 37.5
200 Haematology Total Red Cell count (2002-SP) 50 50
201 Histopathology Blood gas analysis (2002-SP) 352.5 352.5
202 Histopathology Frozen section & Paraffin section (2002-SP) 378.75 378.75
203 Histopathology Histopath (2002-SP) 378.75 378.75
204 Histopathology Pap Smear (2002-SP) 200 200
205 Histopathology Smear for Malignant cells (2002-SP) 200 200
206 Histopathology Vaginal Cytology for Hormonal evaluation (2002-SP) 403.75 403.75
207 Microbiology & Serology ASO Titer (2002-SP) 200 200
208 Microbiology & Serology Blood culture & sensitivity (2002-SP) 252.5 252.5
209 Microbiology & Serology C. R. P. (2002-SP) 175 175
210 Microbiology & Serology Culture &Sensitivity (other specimens) (2002-SP) 187.5 187.5
211 Microbiology & Serology Quantitative H.C.G. (2002-SP) 315 315
212 Microbiology & Serology R.A. lest (2002-SP) 175 175
213 Microbiology & Serology Smear gram-strain examination (2002-SP) 75 75
214 Microbiology & Serology Sputum smear A.F.B. stain (2002-SP) 75 75
215 Microbiology & Serology Vaginal Smear Examination (2002-SP) 100 100
216 Microbiology & Serology V. D. R. L. (2002-SP) 125 125
217 Microbiology & Serology Vibro cholera culture (2002-SP) 175 175
218 Microbiology & Serology Widal test (2002-SP) 125 125
219 Neurological Investigations And Procedures Trans Cranial Doppler (2002-SP) 5050 5050
220 Neurological Investigations And Procedures Urokinase Therapy for ICH (2002-SP) 11993.75 11993.75
221 Neurosciences Consul, Fee per fraction phys. Chg & other Chrg. (2002-SP) 378.75 378.75
222 Ultrasound (USG) USG Image Intensifiers (2002-SP) 1136.25 1136.25
223 Ultrasound (USG) USG Obstetric (2002) 378.75 378.75
224 Ultrasound (USG) USG Obstetric First Scan (2002) 378.75 378.75
225 Ultrasound (USG) USG Obstetric Follow up (2nd visit) (2002) 378.75 378.75
226 Ultrasound (USG) USG Quick look check-up for IUCD & Infants (2002-SP) 505 505
227 Ultrasound (USG) USG Special procedures & Aspiration etc. (2002-SP) 1136.25 1136.25
228 Ultrasound (USG) USG Stress test (treadmill) (2002-SP) 1515 1515
229 Ultrasound (USG) USG Total Abdominal survey or Multiple study (2002-SP) 1010 1010
230 Ultrasound (USG) USG Upper abdomen First scan (2002) 568.75 568.75
231 Ultrasound (USG) USG Upper abdomen Follow up (2nd visit) (2002) 568.75 568.75
232 X-Ray X Ray Abdomen AP or Erect (one film) 2002 G 162.5 162.5
233 X-Ray X Ray Abdomen Lateral view (one film) 2002 G 162.5 162.5
234 X-Ray X Ray Abdomen & pelvis for K.U.B. 2002 281.25 281.25
235 X-Ray X Ray Arthrography 2002 787.5 787.5
236 X-Ray X Ray Barium Enema 2002 1225 1225
237 X-Ray X Ray Barium Enema 2002 1225 1225
238 X-Ray X Ray Barium meal Complete 2002 1575 1575
239 X-Ray X Ray Barium Meal Upper or Lower 2002 1225 1225
240 X-Ray X Ray Barium Swallow 2002 787.5 787.5
241 X-Ray X Ray Bronchography 2002 1225 1225
242 X-Ray X Ray Cerebral/Femoral Angiography 2002 1575 1575
243 X-Ray X Ray Chest Oblique or Lateral (one film) 2002 G 162.5 162.5
244 X-Ray X Ray Chest PA view (one film) 2002 G 162.5 162.5
245 X-Ray X Ray Cystography / Unrethrography 2002 1050 1050
246 X-Ray X Ray Dental 2002 G 70 70
247 X-Ray X Ray Extremities, bones & Joints (one film) 2002 162.5 162.5
248 X-Ray X Ray Fluoroscopy chest 2002 G 140 140
249 X-Ray X Ray Hystero-Salpingography 2002 1050 1050
250 X-Ray X Ray I.V. Urography 2002 1312.5 1312.5
251 X-Ray X Ray Mastoids 2002 G 162.5 162.5
252 X-Ray X Ray Myelography 2002 1400 1400
253 X-Ray X Ray Occlusal 2002 G 125 125
254 X-Ray X Ray Oral or I.V. Cholecystoegraphy 2002 875 875
255 X-Ray X Ray Paranasal sinuses (one film) 2002 162.5 162.5
256 X-Ray X Ray Pelvis (Line film) 2002 162.5 162.5
257 X-Ray X Ray Pneumo Encephalography 2002 1050 1050
258 X-Ray X Ray Retrograde Pyelography 2002 1050 1050
259 X-Ray X Ray Sinography/Sialography 2002 700 700
260 X-Ray X Ray Skull A.P. &Lateral 2002 281.25 281.25
261 X-Ray X Ray Spine A. P. & Lateral 2002 281.25 281.25
262 X-Ray X Ray T.M. Joints (one film) 2002 162.5 162.5
263 X ray Contrast studies Arthrography & Osteomedullography (2002-SP) 11110 11110
264 X ray Contrast studies Fluoroscopic Screening (2002-SP) 252.5 252.5
265 Abdomen Abdomino-Perineal Excision of Rectum (2002-SP) 27775 27775
266 Abdomen Anterior Resection of Rectum (2002-SP) 27775 27775
267 Abdomen Appendicectomy (2002-SP) 26250 26250
268 Abdomen Appendicectomy - Acute (2002-SP) 21875 21875
269 Abdomen Appendicectomy - Chronic / Interval (2002-SP) 21875 21875
270 Abdomen Appendicular Abscess - Drainage (2002-SP) 13130 13130
271 Abdomen Benign Tumours of Small Intestine (2002-SP) 22220 22220
272 Abdomen By Pass Procedure for Inoperable Carcinoma of Pancreas (Empanelled HCO,2010) 41400 36000
273 Abdomen By Pass Procedures for Inoperable Carcinoma of Pancreas (2002-SP) 30300 30300
274 Abdomen Caecostomy (2002-SP) 9595 9595
275 Abdomen Cholecystectomy (2002-SP) 18937.5 18937.5
276 Abdomen Cholecystectomy (2002-SP) 18937.5 18937.5
277 Abdomen Cholecystectomy and Exploration of CBD (Empanelled HCO,2010) 19550 17000
278 Abdomen Cholecystectomy (Empanelled HCO,2010) 27600 24000
279 Abdomen Cholecystectomy & Exploration of CBD (2002-SP) 20705 20705
280 Abdomen Cholecystectomy Laparoscopic Surgery (2002-SP) 33750 33750
281 Abdomen Cholecystostomy (2002-SP) 18180 18180
282 Abdomen Cholecystostomy (Empanelled HCO,2010) 25300 22000
283 Abdomen Closure of Colostomy (2002-SP) 22220 22220
284 Abdomen Coccygeal Teratoma Excision (2002-SP) 22725 22725
285 Abdomen Colon interposition or replacement of oesophagus (2002-SP) 30187.5 30187.5
286 Abdomen Colonoscopy (Empanelled HCO,2010) 1840 1600
287 Abdomen Congenital Atresia & Stenosis of Small Intestine (2002-SP) 24745 24745
288 Abdomen Congenital Diaphragmatic hernia (2002-SP) 26512.5 26512.5
289 Abdomen Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (Empanelled HCO, 2010) 18400 16000
290 Abdomen Cystojejunostomy or Cystogastrostomy (2002-SP) 27775 27775
291 Abdomen Cystojejunostomy or Cystogastrostomy (Empanelled HCO,2010) 29900 26000
292 Abdomen Diagnostic Laproscopy (2002-SP) 9090 9090
293 Abdomen Diagnostic Laproscopy (2002-SP) 8837.5 8837.5
294 Abdomen Direct Operation on Oesophagus for Portal Hypertension (2002-SP) 31562.5 31562.5
295 Abdomen Direct Operation on Oesophagus for Portal Hypertension(Empanelled HCO, 2010) 37375 32500
296 Abdomen Duodenal Diverticula (2002-SP) 24240 24240
297 Abdomen Duodenojejunostomy (2002-SP) 23732.5 23732.5
298 Abdomen Duodenojejunostomy (Empanelled HCO, 2010) 17825 15500
299 Abdomen Epigastric Hernia (2002-SP) 14140 14140
300 Abdomen Epigastric Hernia Repair (Empanelled HCO, 2010) 17250 15000
301 Abdomen Excision of Meckel's Diverticulum (2002-SP) 24240 24240
302 Abdomen Excision of Pilonidal Sinus (2002-SP) 14645 14645
303 Abdomen Excision of Small Intestine Fistula (2002-SP) 22220 22220
304 Abdomen Exploratory Laparotomy (2002-SP) 15150 15150
305 Abdomen Exploratory Laparotomy (Empanelled HCO, 2010) 21062 18315
306 Abdomen Femoral hernia (2002-SP) 16412.5 16412.5
307 Abdomen Femoral Hernia Repair (Empanelled HCO, 2010) 23575 20500
308 Abdomen Fissure in Ano - Dilatation (2002-SP) 7070 7070
309 Abdomen Fissure in Ano - Fissurectomy (2002-SP) 16160 16160
310 Abdomen Fistula in Ano - High Fistulectomy (2002-SP) 18937.5 18937.5
311 Abdomen Fistula in Ano - Low Fistulectomy (2002-SP) 11362.5 11362.5
312 Abdomen Gastojejunostomy and Vagotomy (Empanelled HCO, 2010) 26450 23000
313 Abdomen Gastric and Duodenal Biopsy-Endoscopic (Empanelled HCO, 2010) 2530 2200
314 Abdomen Gastrojejunostomy & Vagotomy (2002-SP) 26241.25 26241.25
315 Abdomen Gastroscopy 2243 1950
316 Abdomen Gastroscopy 1616 1616
317 Abdomen Gastroscopy (2010, Empanelled) 2243 1950
318 Abdomen Gastrostomy (Empanelled HCO, 2010) 12075 10500
319 Abdomen Haemorrhoids - Ligature and Excision (2002-SP) 9090 9090
320 Abdomen Haemorrhoids - Lords Procedure (2002-SP) 7562.5 7562.5
321 Abdomen Haemorrhoids - Park Operation (2002-SP) 9090 9090
322 Abdomen Heller's Operation (2002-SP) 30187.5 30187.5
323 Abdomen Hepatic Resection ( Lobectomy / Hepatectomy )(Empanelled HCO,2010) 19550 17000
324 Abdomen Hepatic Resections (Lobectomy Hepatectomy) (2002-SP) 26512.5 26512.5
325 Abdomen Hernia Repair (2002-SP) 22650 22650
326 Abdomen Hiatus Hernia repair (2002-SP) 30187.5 30187.5
327 Abdomen Hiatus Hernia Repair- Abdomina(Empanelled HCO, 2010)l 21062 18315
328 Abdomen Hiatus Hernia Repair - Abdominal (2002-SP) 26512.5 26512.5
329 Abdomen Hiatus Hernia Repair - Transthoracic (2002-SP) 26512.5 26512.5
330 Abdomen Hiatus Hernia Repair- Transthoracic(Empanelled HCO, 2010)l 21062 18315
331 Abdomen Highly Selective Vagotomy (2002-SP) 23735 23735
332 Abdomen Highly Selective Vagotomy (Empanelled HCO, 2010) 27600 24000
333 Abdomen Ileosigmoidostomy (2002-SP) 22725 22725
334 Abdomen Ileostomy (2002-SP) 28280 28280
335 Abdomen Imperforate Anus - Colostomy (2002-SP) 16412.5 16412.5
336 Abdomen Imperforate Anus - Cut Back (2002-SP) 15907.5 15907.5
337 Abdomen Imperforate Anus - Pull Through Operation (2002-SP) 21715 21715
338 Abdomen Inguinal Hernia - Herniogrhaphy (2002-SP) 16160 16160
339 Abdomen Inguinal Hernia - Hernioplasty (2002-SP) 21641.25 21641.25
340 Abdomen Inguinal Hernia- Hernioplasty (Empanelled HCO, 2010) 18975 16500
341 Abdomen Inguinal Hernia- Herniorraphy (Empanelled HCO, 2010) 18400 16000
342 Abdomen Injection of Haemorrhoids (2002-SP) 1767.5 1767.5
343 Abdomen Intussusception (2002-SP) 24240 24240
344 Abdomen Jejunostomy (2002-SP) 16160 16160
345 Abdomen Laproscopic Cholecystectomy(Empanelled HCO,2010) 18860 16400
346 Abdomen Left Hemi-Colectomy (2002-SP) 22220 22220
347 Abdomen lleotransverse Colostomy (2002-SP) 22725 22725
348 Abdomen Loop Colostomy Transverse Sigmoid (2002-SP) 17675 17675
349 Abdomen Malrotation & Volvulus of the Midgut (2002-SP) 20705 20705
350 Abdomen Meconium ileus (2002-SP) 20705 20705
351 Abdomen Mesenteric Caval Anastomosis (2002-SP) 37875 37875
352 Abdomen Mesenteric Cyst - Excision (2002-SP) 15150 15150
353 Abdomen Mesentericocaval Shunt (Empanelled HCO, 2010) 33350 29000
354 Abdomen Oesophago Gastrectomy for mid 1/3 lesion (2002-SP) 34125 34125
355 Abdomen Oesophago Gastrectomy - LWR Corringers procedure (2002-SP) 30187.5 30187.5
356 Abdomen Operation for Bleeding Peptic Ulcer (2002-SP) 23735 23735
357 Abdomen Operation for Bleeding Peptic Ulcer (Empanelled HCO, 2010) 29900 26000
358 Abdomen Operation for Gastrojejunal Ulcer (2002-SP) 35350 35350
359 Abdomen Operation for Gastrojejunal Ulcer(Empanelled HCO, 2010) 26450 23000
360 Abdomen Operation for Hydatid Cyst of Liver (2002-SP) 25250 25250
361 Abdomen Operation for Intestinal Obstruction (2002-SP) 24240 24240
362 Abdomen Operation for intestinal Perforation (2002-SP) 22220 22220
363 Abdomen Operation on Adrenal Glands- Bilateral (2002-SP) 37875 37875
364 Abdomen Operation on Adrenal Glands- Unilateral for Tumour (2002-SP) 32825 32825
365 Abdomen Operations for Haemorrhage of the Small Intestines (2002-SP) 25250 25250
366 Abdomen Operations for Hirschsprungs Disease (2002-SP) 22725 22725
367 Abdomen Operations for neuroblastoma (2002-SP) 23735 23735
368 Abdomen Operations for Recurrent Intestinal Obstruction (Noble Plication & Other Operations for the Adhesions) (2002-SP) 29290 29290
369 Abdomen Operations for Sigmoid Diverticulitis (2002-SP) 22725 22725
370 Abdomen Operations for Volvulus of Large Bowel (2002-SP) 28280 28280
371 Abdomen Operations of the Duplication of the Intestines (2002-SP) 29290 29290
372 Abdomen Pancerato Duodenectomy (2002-SP) 37875 37875
373 Abdomen Pancreato Duodenectomy (Empanelled HCO, 2010) 41400 36000
374 Abdomen Partial/Subtotal Gastrectomy for Carcinoma (2002-SP) 27775 27775
375 Abdomen Partial/Subtotal Gastrectomy for Carcinoma (Empanelled HCO, 2010) 26450 23000
376 Abdomen Partial/Subtotal Gastrectomy for Ulcer (2002-SP) 27270 27270
377 Abdomen Partial/Subtotal Gastrectomy for Ulcer (Empanelled HCO, 2010) 29900 26000
378 Abdomen Peritonioscopy / Laparoscopy (2002-SP) 6312.5 6312.5
379 Abdomen Portacaval Anastomosis (2002-SP) 45450 45450
380 Abdomen Portocaval Anastomosis 32200 28000
381 Abdomen Prolapse Rectum - Grahams Operation (2002-SP) 22725 22725
382 Abdomen Prolapse Rectum - Rectopexy (2002-SP) 20200 20200
383 Abdomen Prolapse Rectum - Theirch Wiring (2002-SP) 16160 16160
384 Abdomen Pull Through Abdominal Resection (2002-SP) 22725 22725
385 Abdomen Pyloromyotomy (Empanelled HCO 2010) 3163 2750
386 Abdomen Rare Hernia Repair ( Spigelian,Obturator,Lumbar,Sciatic)(Empanelled HCO, 2010) 18975 16500
387 Abdomen Rare Hernias (Spigelian, Obturator, Lumbar, Sciatic) (2002-SP) 18937.5 18937.5
388 Abdomen Rectal Polyp - Excision (2002-SP) 6312.5 6312.5
389 Abdomen Repair of CBD (2002-SP) 20705 20705
390 Abdomen Repair of CBD (Empanelled HCO,2010) 25300 22000
391 Abdomen Resection & Anastomosis of Small Intestine (2002-SP) 24240 24240
392 Abdomen Right Hemi-Colectomy (2002-SP) 22220 22220
393 Abdomen Selective Vagotomy and Drainage(Empanelled HCO, 2010) 26450 23000
394 Abdomen Selective Vagotomy & Drainage (2002-SP) 15262.5 15262.5
395 Abdomen Sigmoidoscopy (2002-SP) 2272.5 2272.5
396 Abdomen Simple Closure of Perforated Peptic Ulcer (Empanelled HCO, 2010) 12650 11000
397 Abdomen Splenectomy - For Hypersplenism (2002-SP) 24745 24745
398 Abdomen Splenectomy- For Hypersplenism (Empanelled HCO, 2010) 27600 24000
399 Abdomen Splenectomy - For Trauma (2002-SP) 24745 24745
400 Abdomen Splenectomy- For Trauma (Empanelled HCO, 2010) 22425 19500
401 Abdomen Splenirenal Anastomosis (Empanelled HCO, 2010) 27600 24000
402 Abdomen Splenorenal Anastomosis (2002-SP) 45450 45450
403 Abdomen Subphrenic Abscess Drainage (2002-SP) 14146.25 14146.25
404 Abdomen Terminal Colostomy (2002-SP) 22220 22220
405 Abdomen Total Colectomy (2002-SP) 30000 30000
406 Abdomen Total Gastrectomy for Cancer (2002-SP) 23735 23735
407 Abdomen Total Gastrectomy for Cancer(Empanelled HCO, 2010) 26450 23000
408 Abdomen Umbilical Hernia (2002-SP) 14140 14140
409 Abdomen Umbilical Hernia Repair (Empanelled HCO, 2010) 16100 14000
410 Abdomen Vagotomy Pyleroplasty / Gasto (Empanelled HCO, 2010) 14950 13000
411 Abdomen Ventral and Scar Hernia (2002-SP) 16412.5 16412.5
412 Abdomen Ventral / Incisional Hernia Repair(Empanelled HCO, 2010) 16100 14000
413 Abdomen Warren Shunt (2002-SP) 37875 37875
414 Abdomen Warren Shunt (Empanelled HCO, 2010) 41400 36000
415 Biopsies Axillary Lymph Node (2002-SP) 2525 2525
416 Biopsies Cervical Lymph Node (2002-SP) 2020 2020
417 Biopsies Excision / Biopsy of Large Lymph Nodes (2002-SP) 2525 2525
418 Biopsies Excision Biopsy of Superficial Lumps (2002-SP) 3787.5 3787.5
419 Biopsies Excision Biopsy of Ulcers (2002-SP) 3787.5 3787.5
420 Biopsies Excision of Dermoid Cysts (2002-SP) 3030 3030
421 Biopsies Excision of Ganglion (2002-SP) 3030 3030
422 Biopsies Excision of Sebaceous Cysts (2002-SP) 1767.5 1767.5
423 Biopsies Excision of Superficial Lipoma (2002-SP) 3156.25 3156.25
424 Biopsies Excision of Superficial Neuofibroma (2002-SP) 3282.5 3282.5
425 Biopsies Incision Biopsy of Growths/Ulcers (2002-SP) 2020 2020
426 Biopsies Inguinal Lymph Node (2002-SP) 2525 2525
427 Biopsies Marrow Aspiration (Needle) (2002-SP) 2272.5 2272.5
428 Biopsies Marrow Biopsy (Open) (2002-SP) 2272.5 2272.5
429 Biopsies Muscle Biopsy (2002-SP) 2272.5 2272.5
430 Biopsies Percutaneous Kidney Biopsy (2002-SP) 2272.5 2272.5
431 Biopsies Percutaneous Liver Biopsy (2002-SP) 2272.5 2272.5
432 Biopsies Scalene Node Biopsy (2002-SP) 2525 2525
433 Biopsies Spleen Aspiration (2002-SP) 2272.5 2272.5
434 Biopsies Trucut Needle Biopsy (2002-SP) 2020 2020
435 Brachytherapy- High Dose radiation (Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy) Brachy Therapy - Interstitial (Implant) - Breast (2002-SP) 12625 12625
436 Brachytherapy- High Dose radiation (Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy) Brachy Therapy - Interstitial (Implant) - Head & Neck (2002-SP) 13887.5 13887.5
437 Brachytherapy- High Dose radiation (Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy) Brachy Therapy - Interstitial (Implant) - Soft Tissue Sarcorne (2002-SP) 15150 15150
438 Brachytherapy- High Dose radiation (Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy) Brachy Therapy - Intracavitary (2002-SP) 12637.5 12637.5
439 Burns and Plastic surgery Advancement Flaps (2002-SP) 12120 12120
440 Burns and Plastic surgery Cartilage Grafting (2002-SP) 10100 10100
441 Burns and Plastic surgery Cast Metal Splints (2002-SP) 10100 10100
442 Burns and Plastic surgery Cleft Lip (2002-SP) 16412.5 16412.5
443 Burns and Plastic surgery Cleft Palate Repair Severe Degree (2002-SP) 18937.5 18937.5
444 Burns and Plastic surgery Dermabrasion Face (2002-SP) 16665 16665
445 Burns and Plastic surgery Direct - cross Leg Flaps - Cross Arm Flap (2002-SP) 16160 16160
446 Burns and Plastic surgery Excision of Multiple Moles (2002-SP) 8080 8080
447 Burns and Plastic surgery Excision of Multiple Warts (2002-SP) 8080 8080
448 Burns and Plastic surgery Excision of Small-Scars, Moles, Small Cysts (2002-SP) 5050 5050
449 Burns and Plastic surgery Eye Lid Splinting (2002-SP) 10100 10100
450 Burns and Plastic surgery Flaps - Abdominal (2002-SP) 16160 16160
451 Burns and Plastic surgery Flaps - Arm Etc. (2002-SP) 16160 16160
452 Burns and Plastic surgery Flaps - Cross Finger (2002-SP) 16160 16160
453 Burns and Plastic surgery Flaps - Thoracic (2002-SP) 16160 16160
454 Burns and Plastic surgery Gumming Splints (2002-SP) 10100 10100
455 Burns and Plastic surgery Injection - Ganglion (2002-SP) 2777.5 2777.5
456 Burns and Plastic surgery Injection - Haemangioma (2002-SP) 7575 7575
457 Burns and Plastic surgery Internal Wire Fixation of Mandible & Maxilla (2002-SP) 17675 17675
458 Burns and Plastic surgery Mammoplasty (2002-SP) 23482.5 23482.5
459 Burns and Plastic surgery Pendulous Breast after Mastectomy (Reconstruction) (2002-SP) 20705 20705
460 Burns and Plastic surgery Pendulous Breast Underdeveloped (2002-SP) 20705 20705
461 Burns and Plastic surgery Plastic Surgery for Facial Paralysis (Support with Reanimation) (2002-SP) 23482.5 23482.5
462 Burns and Plastic surgery Plastic Surgery of Different Regions of the Ear - Major (2002-SP) 21400 21400
463 Burns and Plastic surgery Plastic Surgery of Different Regions of the Ear - Minor (2002-SP) 9090 9090
464 Burns and Plastic surgery Plastic Surgery of the Nose - Major (2002-SP) 15150 15150
465 Burns and Plastic surgery Plastic Surgery of the Nose - Minor (2002-SP) 10100 10100
466 Burns and Plastic surgery Primary Bone Grafting of Cleft Lip Palate (2002-SP) 15150 15150
467 Burns and Plastic surgery Primary Suture of Wounds (2002-SP) 4040 4040
468 Burns and Plastic surgery Reconstruction of Eyelid Defects - Major (2002-SP) 15150 15150
469 Burns and Plastic surgery Reconstruction of Eyelid Defects - Minor (2002-SP) 10100 10100
470 Burns and Plastic surgery Reduction of Facial Fractures of Maxilla (2002-SP) 15150 15150
471 Burns and Plastic surgery Reduction of Facial Fractures of Nose (2002-SP) 10100 10100
472 Burns and Plastic surgery Rotation Flaps (2002-SP) 10100 10100
473 Burns and Plastic surgery Secondary Surgery for Cleft Lip Deformity (2002-SP) 15150 15150
474 Burns and Plastic surgery Secondary Surgery for Cleft Palate (2002-SP) 15150 15150
475 Burns and Plastic surgery Subcutaneous Pedicle Flaps - Delay (2002-SP) 10100 10100
476 Burns and Plastic surgery Subcutaneous Pedicle Flaps - Raising (2002-SP) 10100 10100
477 Burns and Plastic surgery Subcutaneous Pedicle Flaps - Transfer (2002-SP) 10100 10100
478 Burns and Plastic surgery Syndactyly Repair (2002-SP) 20705 20705
479 Burns and Plastic surgery Thiersch Graft - Large Area 10% (2002-SP) 11362.5 11362.5
480 Burns and Plastic surgery Thiersch Graft - Small Area 5% (2002-SP) 10100 10100
481 Burns and Plastic surgery Thiersch Graft - Very Large Area 20% (2002-SP) 15150 15150
482 Burns and Plastic surgery Wolfe Grafts (2002-SP) 10100 10100
483 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Aneurysm not requiring bypass technique (2002-SP) 36750 36750
484 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Aneurysm Requiring bypass techniques (2002-SP) 47250 47250
485 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Aneurysm Resection & Grafting (2002-SP) 65625 65625
486 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Aortic Valve replacement (2002-SP) 185625 185625
487 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Arterial Embolectomy (2002-SP) 32550 32550
488 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Arterial Embolectomy (2002-SP) 22725 22725
489 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Aspiration of Pericardial Cavity (2002-SP) 2020 2020
490 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations A.V. Fistula (2002-SP) 5555 5555
491 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Blalock Taussing operation (2002-SP) 149625 149625
492 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations B.T. Shunt (2002-SP) 150937.5 150937.5
493 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Closed Valvotomy (2002-SP) 150937.5 150937.5
494 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Coarctation - Aorta Rep. of Blk. Taussig Shunt (2002-SP) 150937.5 150937.5
495 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Coarctation of Aorta (2002-SP) 170625 170625
496 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Congenital Arterio Venous Fistula (2002-SP) 26250 26250
497 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Coronary Bypass Surgery (2002-SP) 185625 185625
498 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Coronary Bypass Surgery post Angioplasty (2002-SP) 185625 185625
499 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Dissecting Aneurysm (2002-SP) 64312.5 64312.5
500 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Double Valve replacement without Cost of Valve (2002-SP) 185625 185625
501 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Embolectomy (2002-SP) 22725 22725
502 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Endarterectomy (2002-SP) 38718.75 38718.75
503 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Femoral Popliteal Bypass procedure (2002-SP) 39375 39375
504 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Femoropopliteal bypass procedure (2002-SP) 39375 39375
505 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Intra-Thoracic Aneurysm (2002-SP) 36750 36750
506 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Mitral Valve replacement (2002-SP) 185625 185625
507 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Mitral Valvotomy (Open) Cost of valve to be added later on (2002-SP) 65625 65625
508 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Mitral valvotomy without Cost of Valve (2002-SP) 65625 65625
509 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Open Aortic valvotomy (2002-SP) 185625 185625
510 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Open ASD VSD (2002-SP) 185625 185625
511 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Open Heart procedures (2002-SP) 185625 185625
512 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Open Mitral Valvotomy (2002-SP) 185625 185625
513 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Open Pulmonary valvotomy (2002-SP) 185625 185625
514 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Operations for Agr. Arteriovenous Fistula (2002-SP) 39375 39375
515 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Operations for Stenosis of Renal Arteries (2002-SP) 32812.5 32812.5
516 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Patch Graft Angioplasty (2002-SP) 35437.5 35437.5
517 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Patch Graft Angioplasty (2002-SP) 32812.5 32812.5
518 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Patent Ductus Arteriosus (2002-SP) 131250 131250
519 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Pericardiectomy (2002-SP) 150937.5 150937.5
520 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Pericardiostomy (2002-SP) 150937.5 150937.5
521 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations RSUV Correction (2002-SP) 185625 185625
522 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Surgery for Arterial Aneursysm -Carotid (2002-SP) 45937.5 45937.5
523 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Surgery for Arterial Aneursysm - Distal Abdominal Aorta (2002-SP) 47250 47250
524 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Surgery for Arterial Aneursysm -Renal Artery (2002-SP) 45937.5 45937.5
525 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Surgery for Arterial Aneursysm -Splenic Artery (2002-SP) 45937.5 45937.5
526 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Surgery for Arterial Aneursysm -Upper Abdominal Aorta (2002-SP) 48300 48300
527 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Surgery for Arterial Aneursysm -Vertebral (2002-SP) 45937.5 45937.5
528 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Surgery for Arterial Aneurysm - Carotid (2002-SP) 32812.5 32812.5
529 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Surgery for Arterial Aneurysm - Carotid (2002-SP) 32812.5 32812.5
530 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Surgery for Arterial Aneurysm - Distal Abdominal Aorta (2002-SP) 52500 52500
531 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Surgery for Arterial Aneurysm - Main Arteries of the Limb (2002-SP) 32812.5 32812.5
532 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Surgery for Arterial Aneurysm - Renal Artery (2002-SP) 32812.5 32812.5
533 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Surgery for Arterial Aneurysm - Spleen Artery (2002-SP) 32812.5 32812.5
534 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Surgery for Arterial Aneurysm - Upper Abdominal Aorta (2002-SP) 52500 52500
535 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Surgery for Arterial Aneurysm - Vertebral (2002-SP) 32812.5 32812.5
536 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations TAPVC Correction (2002-SP) 185625 185625
537 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Thoracocentesis (2002-SP) 2462.5 2462.5
538 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Thromboendarterectomy (2002-SP) 38850 38850
539 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Thrombo - Endarterectomy (2002-SP) 34125 34125
540 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Total Correction of Tetralogy of Fallot (2002-SP) 185625 185625
541 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Vascular Procedure - Major (2002-SP) 44625 44625
542 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Vascular Procedure - Minor (2002-SP) 19190 19190
543 Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & investigations Venous Thrombectomy (2002-SP) 39375 39375
544 Chemotharapy (Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy) Adjustment Therapy (2002-SP) 20200 20200
545 Chemotharapy (Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy) Multiple Drug Chemotherapy per Day (2002-SP) 1000 1000
546 Chemotharapy (Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy) Palliative Treatment (2002-SP) 12625 12625
547 Chemotharapy (Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy) Radical Treatment (2002-SP) 25250 25250
548 Chemotharapy (Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy) Single Drug Chemotherapy per Day (2002-SP) 750 750
549 ENT Bronchoscopy (2002-SP) 3030 3030
550 ENT Cold Calorie Test for vestibular function (2002-SP) 252.5 252.5
551 ENT Direct Laryngoscopy (2002-SP) 6312.5 6312.5
552 ENT Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy (2002-SP) 3535 3535
553 ENT Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy with Washing / Biopsy (2002-SP) 3535 3535
554 ENT Hearing Aid analysis (2002-SP) 252.5 252.5
555 ENT Hearing Aid selection (2002-SP) 442.5 442.5
556 ENT Impedence & other tests (2002-SP) 315 315
557 ENT Multiple hearing assessment test for Adults (2002-SP) 505 505
558 ENT Peritonsillar abscess drainage under LA (2002-SP) 1616.25 1616.25
559 ENT Polyp removal under LA (2002-SP 807.5 807.5
560 ENT Pure Tone Audiogram - 2002 252 252
561 ENT Pure Tone Audiogram (2002-SP) 315 315
562 ENT Pure Tone Audiogram - 2010 230 200
563 ENT Removal or foreign body from Ear (2002-SP) 378.75 378.75
564 ENT Removal or foreign body from Nose (2002-SP) 378.75 378.75
565 ENT Repair ear lobe (2002-SP) 1211.25 1211.25
566 ENT SISI, Tone Decay & Difference times (2002-SP) 315 315
567 ENT Speech Assessment (2002-SP) 200 200
568 ENT Speech Discrimination score (2002-SP) 125 125
569 ENT Speech-therapy per session of 30 to 40 minutes (2002-SP) 150 150
570 ENT Syringing (2002-SP) 378.75 378.75
571 ENT Tracheostomy (2002-SP) 3787.5 3787.5
572 General surgery Aorta-Femoral Bypass (2002-SP) 65625 65625
573 General surgery Aspiration of cold Abscess of Lymph node (2002-SP) 3282.5 3282.5
574 General surgery Aspiration of Empyema (2002-SP) 2532.5 2532.5
575 General surgery Aspiration of Liver Abscess (2002-SP) 3030 3030
576 General surgery Aspiration of Pleural Cavity (2002-SP) 2020 2020
577 General surgery Breast - Drainage of Abscess (2002-SP) 7575 7575
578 General surgery Breast - Excision of Lumps (2002-SP) 11362.5 11362.5
579 General surgery Chest - Hydatid Cyst (2002-SP) 35350 35350
580 General surgery Chest - Segmental Resection (2002-SP) 35350 35350
581 General surgery Debridement of wounds (2002-SP) 1262.5 1262.5
582 General surgery Decortication (Pleurectomy) (2002-SP) 31057.5 31057.5
583 General surgery Delayed primary suture (2002-SP) 1767.5 1767.5
584 General surgery Diagnostic Laproscupy (2002 rates+25%) 8838 NA
585 General surgery Drainage of Abscess (2002-SP) 1767.5 1767.5
586 General surgery Drainage of Ischiorectal Abscess (2002-SP) 6312.5 6312.5
587 General surgery Drainage of Parotid Abscess (2002-SP) 6312.5 6312.5
588 General surgery Drainage of Pelvic Abscess (2002-SP) 11362.5 11362.5
589 General surgery Drainage of Perigastric Abscess (2002-SP) 11362.5 11362.5
590 General surgery Drainage of Peritonsillar Abscess (2002-SP) 6312.5 6312.5
591 General surgery Drainage of Retropharyngeal Abscess (2002-SP) 6312.5 6312.5
592 General surgery Drainage of sub diaphragmatic Abscess (2002-SP) 12625 12625
593 General surgery Dressing under G.A (2002-SP) 2525 2525
594 General surgery Excision of Keloids (2002-SP) 5555 5555
595 General surgery Excision of Mammary Fistula (2002-SP) 18937.5 18937.5
596 General surgery Excision of Superficial Varicosity (2002-SP) 5050 5050
597 General surgery Excision & Skin Graft of Venous Ulcer (2002-SP) 19442.5 19442.5
598 General surgery Exploratory Thoracotomy (2002-SP) 47250 47250
599 General surgery Injection of Varicose Veins (2002-SP) 2272.5 2272.5
600 General surgery Intercostal Drainage of Empyema (2002-SP) 7575 7575
601 General surgery Lobectomy (2002-SP) 30187.5 30187.5
602 General surgery Lobectomy (2002-SP) 35350 35350
603 General surgery Local Mastectomy (Simple) (2002-SP) 21250 21250
604 General surgery Mediastinal Tumour (2002-SP) 39375 39375
605 General surgery Mediastinoscopy (2002-SP) 3030 3030
606 General surgery Node Biopsy (2002-SP) 2525 2525
607 General surgery Open Drainage of Liver Abscess (2002-SP) 11362.5 11362.5
608 General surgery Open Drainage of Paravertebral Abscess (2002-SP) 10352.5 10352.5
609 General surgery Open drainage of Perinepheric Abscess (2002-SP) 12625 12625
610 General surgery Open Drainage of psoas Abscess (2002-SP) 7575 7575
611 General surgery Open Lung Biopsy (2002-SP) 16665 16665
612 General surgery Partial Pericardiectomy (2002-SP) 22725 22725
613 General surgery Pleural Biopsy (2002-SP) 3787.5 3787.5
614 General surgery Pleural Biopsy (2002-SP) 3787.5 3787.5
615 General surgery Pneumonectomy (2002-SP) 26250 26250
616 General surgery Pneumonectomy (2002-SP) 42420 42420
617 General surgery Radical Mastectomy (Formal or Modified) (2002-SP) 31562.5 31562.5
618 General surgery Removal of foreign body Deep (2002-SP) 3030 3030
619 General surgery Removal of foreign body Superficial (2002-SP) 1262.5 1262.5
620 General surgery Removal Tumors of Chest Wall (2002-SP) 22725 22725
621 General surgery Rib Resection & Drainage (2002-SP) 12625 12625
622 General surgery Rib Resection for Empyema (2002-SP) 16665 16665
623 General surgery Secondary suture of wounds (2002-SP) 1262.5 1262.5
624 General surgery Segmental Resection (2002-SP) 22725 22725
625 General surgery Segment Resection of Breast (2002-SP) 20200 20200
626 General surgery Stripping of short / long Sephaneous Veins (2002-SP) 18937.5 18937.5
627 General surgery Suturing of small wounds (2002-SP) 302.5 302.5
628 General surgery Thoraco plasty (2002-SP) 26133 26133
629 General surgery Thoracoplasty (2002-SP) 42420 42420
630 General surgery Thoracoscopy (2002-SP) 8837.5 8837.5
631 General surgery Thoracostomy (2002-SP) 15402.5 15402.5
632 General surgery Thoracotomy (Penetrating Wounds) (2002-SP) 20200 20200
633 General surgery Thymectomy (2002-SP) 32943.75 32943.75
634 General surgery Thymectomy (2002-SP) 35350 35350
635 General surgery Trendelenburg Operations (2002-SP) 16033.75 16033.75
636 Head and Neck Block Dissection of Cervical Lymph Nodes (2002-SP) 25250 25250
637 Head and Neck Ear Lobe Repair one side (2002-SP) 631.25 631.25
638 Head and Neck Excision of Branchial Cyst (2002-SP) 12625 12625
639 Head and Neck Excision of Carotid Body-Tumours (2002-SP) 26007.5 26007.5
640 Head and Neck Excision of Cystic Hygroma - Extensive (2002-SP) 13635 13635
641 Head and Neck Excision of Cystic Hygroma - Major (2002-SP) 8837.5 8837.5
642 Head and Neck Excision of Cystic Hygroma - Minor (2002-SP) 5555 5555
643 Head and Neck Excision of Lingual Thyroid (2002-SP) 28280 28280
644 Head and Neck Excision of Parathyroid Adenoma/Carcinoma (2002-SP) 27775 27775
645 Head and Neck Excision of Pharyngeal Diverticulum (2002-SP) 12625 12625
646 Head and Neck Excision of Pinna - Partial Amputation (2002-SP) 6060 6060
647 Head and Neck Excision of Pinna - Skin and Cartilage (2002-SP) 5555 5555
648 Head and Neck Excision of Pinna - Skin Only (2002-SP) 3787.5 3787.5
649 Head and Neck Excision of Pinna - Total Amputation (2002-SP) 7575 7575
650 Head and Neck Excision of Pinna - Total Amputation & Excision of External Auditory Meatus (2002-SP) 12625 12625
651 Head and Neck Excision of the Mandible - Hemimandibulectomy (2002-SP) 28280 28280
652 Head and Neck Excision of the Mandible - Segmental (2002-SP) 18937.5 18937.5
653 Head and Neck Excision of the Maxilla (2002-SP) 24240 24240
654 Head and Neck Excision of Thyroglossal Cyst/Fistula (2002-SP) 12625 12625
655 Head and Neck Glossectomy - Hemiglossectomy (2002-SP) 15150 15150
656 Head and Neck Glossectomy - Partial (2002-SP) 7575 7575
657 Head and Neck Glossectomy - The Commando Operation (2002-SP) 28280 28280
658 Head and Neck Glossectomy - Total Glossectomy (2002-SP) 28280 28280
659 Head and Neck Hemithyroidectomy (2002-SP) 15150 15150
660 Head and Neck Laryngectomy (2002-SP) 37875 37875
661 Head and Neck Laryngo Pharyngectomy (2002-SP) 46712.5 46712.5
662 Head and Neck Operation for Carcinoma Lip - Abbe Operation (2002-SP) 11362.5 11362.5
663 Head and Neck Operation for Carcinoma Lip - Cheek Advancement (2002-SP) 12625 12625
664 Head and Neck Operation for Carcinoma Lip - Hastlanders Operation (2002-SP) 11362.5 11362.5
665 Head and Neck Operation for Carcinoma Lip - Subcutaneous Pedicle Flap (2002-SP) 11362.5 11362.5
666 Head and Neck Operation for Carcinoma Lip - Vermilionectomy (2002-SP) 10100 10100
667 Head and Neck Operation for Carcinoma Lip - Wedge excision (2002-SP) 10605 10605
668 Head and Neck Operation for Carcinoma Lip - Wedge Excision and Vermilonectomy (2002-SP) 11362.5 11362.5
669 Head and Neck Operation for Cervical Rib (2002-SP) 19190 19190
670 Head and Neck Parotidectomy - Conservative (2002-SP) 20200 20200
671 Head and Neck Parotidectomy - Radical Total (2002-SP) 28280 28280
672 Head and Neck Parotidectomy - Radical Total (2002-SP) 28280 28280
673 Head and Neck Parotidectomy - Superficial (2002-SP) 21715 21715
674 Head and Neck Partial Thyroidectomy (2002-SP) 15150 15150
675 Head and Neck Pharyngectomy & Reconstruction (2002-SP) 39137.5 39137.5
676 Head and Neck Removal of Submandibular Salivary gland (2002-SP) 23862.5 23862.5
677 Head and Neck Repair of Parotid Duct (2002-SP) 23987.5 23987.5
678 Head and Neck Scalene Node Biopsy (2002-SP) 2525 2525
679 Head and Neck Subtotal Thyroidectomy (Toxic Goitre) (2002-SP) 21715 21715
680 Head and Neck Thyroidectomy - Isthmectomy (2002-SP) 13887.5 13887.5
681 Head and Neck Thyroidectomy - Resection Enucleation of Adenoma (2002-SP) 13887.5 13887.5
682 Head and Neck Total Thyroidectomy and Block Dissection (2002-SP) 34087.5 34087.5
683 Head and Neck Total Thyroidectomy (Cancer) (2002-SP) 24745 24745
684 ICU/CCU procedures (Special Care Cases) Child care in children (2002-SP) 1212.5 1212.5
685 ICU/CCU procedures (Special Care Cases) Coronary Care with Cardiac Monitoring Including ECG & Diet (2002-SP) 1893.75 1893.75
686 ICU/CCU procedures (Special Care Cases) Exchange Transfusion (2002-SP) 1262.5 1262.5
687 ICU/CCU procedures (Special Care Cases) General Nursery Care (2002-SP) 378.75 378.75
688 ICU/CCU procedures (Special Care Cases) Incubator charges (Per day) (2002-SP) 631.25 631.25
689 ICU/CCU procedures (Special Care Cases) Intensive care in Nursery (Per day) (2002-SP) 1641.25 1641.25
690 ICU/CCU procedures (Special Care Cases) O.T. Charges for Exchange transfusion (2002-SP) 378.75 378.75
691 ICU/CCU procedures (Special Care Cases) Pediatric care for New born (7 to 12 days) (2002-SP) 1006.25 1006.25
692 ICU/CCU procedures (Special Care Cases) Phototherapy (2002-SP) 378.75 378.75
693 ICU/CCU procedures (Special Care Cases) Pneupack ventillator in Nursery (Per day) (2002-SP) 883.75 883.75
694 ICU/CCU procedures (Special Care Cases) Post-operative care (ICU) with Diet (2002-SP) 1767.5 1767.5
695 ICU/CCU procedures (Special Care Cases) Respirator & Compressed air (2002-SP) 1641.25 1641.25
696 ICU/CCU procedures (Special Care Cases) Respirator with Piped Oxygen (2002-SP) 1641.25 1641.25
697 ICU/CCU procedures (Special Care Cases) Resuscitation (2002-SP) 378.75 378.75
698 ICU/CCU procedures (Special Care Cases) Resuscitation with incubator Attended by Specialist (2002-SP) 1010 1010
699 Linear accelerator (Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy) Palliative Radiotherapy Linear (2002-SP) 31562.5 31562.5
700 Linear accelerator (Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy) Radical Radiotherapy Linear (2002-SP) 50000 50000
701 List of procedures/ tests in Gastroenterology Colonoscopy (2002-SP) 2525 2525
702 List of procedures/ tests in Gastroenterology Excision of Hemorrhoids (2002-SP) 8837.5 8837.5
703 List of procedures/ tests in Gastroenterology Fibreoptic bronchoscopy (2002-SP) 2525 2525
704 List of procedures/ tests in Gastroenterology Oesophageal sclerotherapy for varices First sitting (2002-SP) 2525 2525
705 List of procedures/ tests in Gastroenterology Oesophageal sclerotherapy for varices Subsequent sitting (2002-SP) 2020 2020
706 List of procedures/ tests in Gastroenterology Oesophageal sclerotherapy for varices Subsequent sitting (2002-SP) 2020 2020
707 List of procedures/ tests in Gastroenterology Oesophagoscopy (2002-SP) 1515 1515
708 List of procedures/ tests in Gastroenterology Removal of F. B. - Trachea or Oesophagus (2002-SP) 5050 5050
709 List of procedures/ tests in Gastroenterology Sigmoidoscopy (flexible) (2002-SP) 1515 1515
710 List of procedures/ tests in Gastroenterology Sigmoidoscopy (rigid) (2002-SP) 2020 2020
711 List of procedures/ tests in Gastroenterology Upper G.I. Endoscopy (2002-SP) 2020 2020
712 List of procedures/ tests in Gastroenterology Upper G.I. Endoscopy with Biopsy (2002-SP) 2272.5 2272.5
713 Nephrology and Urology. Anderson Hynes Pyeloplasty (2002-SP) 26250 26250
714 Nephrology and Urology. Bilateral Nephroureteral (Native) (2002-SP) 26250 26250
715 Nephrology and Urology. Caeco Cystoplasty (2002-SP) 31500 31500
716 Nephrology and Urology. CAPD (2002-SP) 7500 7500
717 Nephrology and Urology. Closure of Urethal Fistula (2002-SP) 14140 14140
718 Nephrology and Urology. Continuous Arterio Venus Dialysis (CAVD) (2002-SP) 20200 20200
719 Nephrology and Urology. Cystolithotomy Suprapubic (2002-SP) 12877.5 12877.5
720 Nephrology and Urology. Cystoscopic basketing of Urethra (2002-SP) 19190 19190
721 Nephrology and Urology. Cystoscopy Diagnostic (2002-SP) 3030 3030
722 Nephrology and Urology. Cystoscopy with Bladder Biopsy (2002-SP) 3787.5 3787.5
723 Nephrology and Urology. Cystoscopy with Retrograde Catheter - Bilateral (2002-SP) 6312.5 6312.5
724 Nephrology and Urology. Cystoscopy with Retrograde Catheter - Unilateral (2002-SP) 5050 5050
725 Nephrology and Urology. Dialysis Femoral Cather Bilateral (2002-SP) 4040 4040
726 Nephrology and Urology. Dilatation of stricture Urethra under G.A. (2002-SP) 4166.25 4166.25
727 Nephrology and Urology. Dilatation of stricture Urethra W/O Anesth (2002-SP) 2525 2525
728 Nephrology and Urology. Donor Nephrectomy (2002-SP) 26250 26250
729 Nephrology and Urology. Double Lumen Sub Clavian Catheter (2002-SP) 5050 5050
730 Nephrology and Urology. Emergency Dialysis (2002-SP) 3787.5 3787.5
731 Nephrology and Urology. Endoscopic Removal of stone in Bladder (2002-SP) 12877.5 12877.5
732 Nephrology and Urology. Endoscopic Teflon Inject (2002-SP) 6312.5 6312.5
733 Nephrology and Urology. Epispadias / Extrophy repair (2002-SP) 31500 31500
734 Nephrology and Urology. Femoral Access (2002-SP) 2020 2020
735 Nephrology and Urology. Femoral Puncture (2002-SP) 1893.75 1893.75
736 Nephrology and Urology. Fistula / Shunt (2002-SP) 7827.5 7827.5
737 Nephrology and Urology. Gil-Verner's Extended Pyelolithotomy (2002-SP) 26250 26250
738 Nephrology and Urology. Haemo Dialysis (without Cost of Artificials Kidney Surgical Sunday & Fluids)(2002-SP) 1010 1010
739 Nephrology and Urology. Kidney Biopsy (2002-SP) 5050 5050
740 Nephrology and Urology. Lithoripsy (without cost of DJ stent or room) (2002-SP) 37500 37500
741 Nephrology and Urology. Lymphocoele (2002-SP) 16412.5 16412.5
742 Nephrology and Urology. Meatoplasty (2002-SP) 7827.5 7827.5
743 Nephrology and Urology. Meatotomy (2002-SP) 4545 4545
744 Nephrology and Urology. Nephrectomy Compl. Tumor or Adhesions (2002-SP) 31500 31500
745 Nephrology and Urology. Nephrectomy Simple (2002-SP) 26250 26250
746 Nephrology and Urology. Nephrostomy (2002-SP) 11362.5 11362.5
747 Nephrology and Urology. Optical Urethrotomy (2002-SP) 12625 12625
748 Nephrology and Urology. Paloma's Bilateral (2002-SP) 15150 15150
749 Nephrology and Urology. Paloma's Unilateral (2002-SP) 7827.5 7827.5
750 Nephrology and Urology. Partial Cystectomy (2002-SP) 28087.5 28087.5
751 Nephrology and Urology. Partial Nephrectomy or Nephrolithotomy (2002-SP) 22725 22725
752 Nephrology and Urology. PCNL - Bilateral (2002-SP) 39375 39375
753 Nephrology and Urology. PCNL - Unilateral (2002-SP) 26250 26250
754 Nephrology and Urology. Perineal Urethrostomy (2002-SP) 10100 10100
755 Nephrology and Urology. Peritoneal Dialysis (2002-SP) 3030 3030
756 Nephrology and Urology. Plasma Exchange (2002-SP) 1262.5 1262.5
757 Nephrology and Urology. Pyelolithotomy (2002-SP) 20200 20200
758 Nephrology and Urology. Radical Cystectomy (2002-SP) 31500 31500
759 Nephrology and Urology. Renal Transplantation (2002-SP) 210000 210000
760 Nephrology and Urology. Renal Transplant Evaluation (2002-SP) 2020 2020
761 Nephrology and Urology. Resection Bladder Neck Endoscopic (2002-SP) 13130 13130
762 Nephrology and Urology. Simple Nephrectomy (2002-SP) 25000 25000
763 Nephrology and Urology. Subclavian Access (2002-SP) 2020 2020
764 Nephrology and Urology. Subclavian Puncture (2002-SP) 2146.25 2146.25
765 Nephrology and Urology. Testicular Biopsy (2002-SP) 4671.25 4671.25
766 Nephrology and Urology. Total Cystectomy (2002-SP) 39375 39375
767 Nephrology and Urology. Transplant Nephrectomy (2002-SP) 26250 26250
768 Nephrology and Urology. Unilateral implantation Bilateral (2002-SP) 26250 26250
769 Nephrology and Urology. Ureteroscopic removal (2002-SP) 24240 24240
770 Nephrology and Urology. Urethral Reimplant (2002-SP) 11362.5 11362.5
771 Nephrology and Urology. Urethral Transplantation (2002-SP) 2625 2625
772 Nephrology and Urology. Urethroplastic one stage procedure (2002-SP) 26250 26250
773 Nephrology and Urology. Urethroplasty 1st Stage (2002-SP) 16412.5 16412.5
774 Nephrology and Urology. Urodynamic Study (Cystometry) (2002-SP) 1388.75 1388.75
775 Nephrology and Urology. Uroflow Study (Micturometry) (2002-SP) 631.25 631.25
776 Nephrology and Urology. Vascular Prosthetic Graft (2002-SP) 26250 26250
777 Nephrology and Urology. Voiding cysto-urethrogram (2002-SP) 1388.75 1388.75
778 Neuro-surgery Abscess Tapping (2002-SP) 20200 20200
779 Neuro-surgery Anterior Cervical Discectomy (2002-SP) 36750 36750
780 Neuro-surgery Anterior Cervical Spine Surgery with fusion (2002-SP) 42000 42000
781 Neuro-surgery Anterior Lateral Decompression (2002-SP) 42000 42000
782 Neuro-surgery Brachial Plexus Exploration Micro Suturing (2002-SP) 36750 36750
783 Neuro-surgery Brain Biopsy (2002-SP) 17675 17675
784 Neuro-surgery Brain Mapping (2002-SP) 5050 5050
785 Neuro-surgery Cervical or Dorsal Laminectomy (2002-SP) 42000 42000
786 Neuro-surgery Cervical Sympathetectomy (2002-SP) 20200 20200
787 Neuro-surgery Combd Trans-oral Surgery & CV Junct, Fusion (2002-SP) 78750 78750
788 Neuro-surgery Cranial Nerve Anastomosis (2002-SP) 37275 37275
789 Neuro-surgery Cranioplasty (2002-SP) 52500 52500
790 Neuro-surgery Cranioplasty (2002-SP) 38175 38175
791 Neuro-surgery Craniotomy (2002-SP) 49875 49875
792 Neuro-surgery Craniotomy and Evacuation of Haematoma - Extradural (2002-SP) 36750 36750
793 Neuro-surgery Craniotomy and Evacuation of Haematoma - Subdural (2002-SP) 32812.5 32812.5
794 Neuro-surgery C.S.F. Rhinorrhoea (2002-SP) 42000 42000
795 Neuro-surgery C.V. Junction Fusion (2002-SP) 47250 47250
796 Neuro-surgery Depressed Fracture (2002-SP) 36750 36750
797 Neuro-surgery Endoscopic Surgery (2002-SP) 65625 65625
798 Neuro-surgery Evacuation of Brain Abscess (2002-SP) 39375 39375
799 Neuro-surgery Evacuation of Brain Abscess (2002-SP) 38062.5 38062.5
800 Neuro-surgery Excision Lobe (Frontal, Temporal Cerebellum etc.) (2002-SP) 38718.75 38718.75
801 Neuro-surgery Excision of Brain Tumors - Subtentorial (2002-SP) 59062.5 59062.5
802 Neuro-surgery Excision of Brain Tumors - Supratentorial (2002-SP) 52500 52500
803 Neuro-surgery Excision of Brain Tumours - Subtentorial (2002-SP) 57750 57750
804 Neuro-surgery Excision of Brain Tumours - Supratentorial (2002-SP) 57750 57750
805 Neuro-surgery Excision of Cervical Inter-Vertebral Discs (2002-SP) 34125 34125
806 Neuro-surgery Excision of Lobe (Frontal, Temporal,Cerebellum etc.) (2002-SP) 42525 42525
807 Neuro-surgery Lumbar Pressure Monitoring (2002-SP) 7575 7575
808 Neuro-surgery Lumbar Sympathetectomy (2002-SP) 18000 18000
809 Neuro-surgery Median Nerve Decompression (2002-SP) 24492.5 24492.5
810 Neuro-surgery Meningocoele Excision (2002-SP) 29662.5 29662.5
811 Neuro-surgery Meningo Encephalocoele (2002-SP) 27168.75 27168.75
812 Neuro-surgery Meningomyelocele (2002-SP) 31500 31500
813 Neuro-surgery Meningomyelocele (2002-SP) 42000 42000
814 Neuro-surgery Meningomyelocele (2002-SP) 39375 39375
815 Neuro-surgery Nerve Biopsy (2002-SP) 6312.5 6312.5
816 Neuro-surgery Peripheral Nerve Surgery - Major (2002-SP) 17675 17675
817 Neuro-surgery Peripheral Nerve Surgery - Minor (2002-SP) 12625 12625
818 Neuro-surgery Placement of ICP Monitor (2002-SP) 6312.5 6312.5
819 Neuro-surgery Posterior Cervical Discectomy (2002-SP) 47250 47250
820 Neuro-surgery R. F. Lesion for Trigeminal Neuralgia (2002-SP) 5050 5050
821 Neuro-surgery Shunt Procedures (VA/VP/TP/Shunt) (2002-SP) 41475 41475
822 Neuro-surgery Skull Traction Application (2002-SP) 11100 11100
823 Neuro-surgery Spasticity Surgery (2002-SP) 52500 52500
824 Neuro-surgery Spina Bifida Surgery Major (2002-SP) 47512.5 47512.5
825 Neuro-surgery Spina Bifida Surgery Minor (2002-SP) 36750 36750
826 Neuro-surgery Spinal Fusion Procedure (2002-SP) 49875 49875
827 Neuro-surgery Spinal Intra Medullary Tumors (2002-SP) 67068.75 67068.75
828 Neuro-surgery Spinal Tumors Others (2002-SP) 48037.5 48037.5
829 Neuro-surgery Stereotactic Procedures (2002-SP) 65625 65625
830 Neuro-surgery Surgery of Cord Tumors (2002-SP) 47906.25 47906.25
831 Neuro-surgery Surgery of Cord Tumours (2002-SP) 52500 52500
832 Neuro-surgery Trans Oral Surgery (2002-SP) 6500 6500
833 Neuro-surgery Trans Sphenoidal Surgery (2002-SP) 65625 65625
834 Neuro-surgery Trigeminal Rhizotomy (2002-SP) 42000 42000
835 Neuro-surgery Tripple Neurectomy (Tirgeminal) (2002-SP) 24492.5 24492.5
836 Neuro-surgery Twist Drill Craniotomy (2002-SP) 16917.5 16917.5
837 Neuro-surgery Ventriculo-Atrial Shunt (Exclud cost of value) (2002-SP) 31500 31500
838 Neuro-surgery Ventriculoatrial Shunt / Ventriculoperitoneal (2002-SP) 26250 26250
839 Neuro-surgery Ventriculoatrial Shunt / Ventriculo Peritoneal (2002-SP) 36750 36750
840 Obstetrics and Gyecology 3rd stage complication MRP for Outside delivery etc. (2002-SP) 6312.5 6312.5
841 Obstetrics and Gyecology Abortion (2002-SP) 5050 5050
842 Obstetrics and Gyecology Broad Ligament Haemotoma drainage (2002-SP) 11362.5 11362.5
843 Obstetrics and Gyecology Burst- abdomen repair (2002-SP) 13887.5 13887.5
844 Obstetrics and Gyecology Caesarean hysterectomy (2002-SP) 22725 22725
845 Obstetrics and Gyecology Caesarean section (2002-SP) 18750 18750
846 Obstetrics and Gyecology Colpotomy-drainage PN needling EUA (2002-SP) 6312.5 6312.5
847 Obstetrics and Gyecology Complete perineal tear-repair (2002-SP) 3787.5 3787.5
848 Obstetrics and Gyecology Destructive Operation (2002-SP) 11362.5 11362.5
849 Obstetrics and Gyecology Examination under anesthesia (2002-SP) 3030 3030
850 Obstetrics and Gyecology Excision of urethral caruncle (2002-SP) 3787.5 3787.5
851 Obstetrics and Gyecology Exploration of abdominal haematoma (After laparotomy + LUCS) (2002-SP) 1387.5 1387.5
852 Obstetrics and Gyecology Exploration of perineal haematoma & Resuturing of episiotomy (2002-SP) 10731.25 10731.25
853 Obstetrics and Gyecology Exploration of PPH- tear repair (2002-SP) 5050 5050
854 Obstetrics and Gyecology Gaping abdominal wound-secondary suturing (2002-SP) 3787.5 3787.5
855 Obstetrics and Gyecology Gaping perineal wound secondary suturing (2002-SP) 3030 3030
856 Obstetrics and Gyecology Internal podalic version and extraction (2002-SP) 11362.5 11362.5
857 Obstetrics and Gyecology Laparoscopy (2002-SP) 6312.5 6312.5
858 Obstetrics and Gyecology Laparotomy-failed laparoscopy to explore (2002-SP) 7575 7575
859 Obstetrics and Gyecology Laparotomy for Ectopic rupture (2002-SP) 18937.5 18937.5
860 Obstetrics and Gyecology Laparotomy-peritonitis lavage and drainage (2002-SP) 15150 15150
861 Obstetrics and Gyecology Low forceps (2002-SP) 11362.5 11362.5
862 Obstetrics and Gyecology Low midcavity forceps (2002-SP) 11362.5 11362.5
863 Obstetrics and Gyecology Manual removal of placenta (2002-SP) 3787.5 3787.5
864 Obstetrics and Gyecology Normal delivery or with Episiotomy & P. repair (2002-SP) 10100 10100
865 Obstetrics and Gyecology Oophorectomy (2002-SP) 1388.75 1388.75
866 Obstetrics and Gyecology Ovarian Cystectomy (2002-SP) 16412.5 16412.5
867 Obstetrics and Gyecology Perforation of Uterus after D/E Laparotomy & Closure (2002-SP) 18937.5 18937.5
868 Obstetrics and Gyecology Repair of post-coital tear, perineal lnjury (2002-SP) 4292.5 4292.5
869 Obstetrics and Gyecology Rupture Uterus, closure & repair With tubal ligation (2002-SP) 22725 22725
870 Obstetrics and Gyecology Salphingo-oophrectomy (2002-SP) 16412.5 16412.5
871 Obstetrics and Gyecology Salpingectomy (2002-SP) 13887.5 13887.5
872 Obstetrics and Gyecology Shirodkar. Mc Donalds stitch (2002-SP) 4040 4040
873 Obstetrics and Gyecology Suction evacuation vesicular mole, missed abortion D/E (2002-SP) 6312.5 6312.5
874 Oesophagus Abdominal Repair of Hiatus Hernia (2002-SP) 31815 31815
875 Oesophagus Achalasia Cardia - Abdominal (2002-SP) 15907.5 15907.5
876 Oesophagus Achalasia Cardia - Transthoracic (2002-SP) 19190 19190
877 Oesophagus Atresia of Oesophagus and Tracheo Oesophageal Fistula (2002-SP) 31815 31815
878 Oesophagus Oesophageal Intubation (Mousseau Barbin Tube) (2002-SP) 16160 16160
879 Oesophagus Oesophagectomy for Carcinoma (2002-SP) 45000 45000
880 Oesophagus Oesophagoscopy (2002-SP) 1837.5 1837.5
881 Oesophagus Operations for Replacement of Oesophagus by Colon (2002-SP) 39390 39390
882 Oesophagus Transthoracic Repair or Hiatus hernia (2002-SP) 31815 31815
883 OPD Aspiration- Abdominal (Diagnostic) 2002 1010 1010
884 OPD Aspiration- Abdominal (Therapeutic) 2002 1388.75 1388.75
885 OPD Aspiration- Bone Marrow 2002 706.25 706.25
886 OPD Aspiration- Joints 2002 606.25 606.25
887 OPD Aspiration- Pericardial 2002 1136.25 1136.25
888 OPD Aspiration- Pleural Effusion (Diagnostic) 2002 606.25 606.25
889 OPD Aspiration- Pleural Effusion (Therapeutic) 2002 1010 1010
890 OPD Biopsy- Liver 2002 1136.25 1136.25
891 OPD Biopsy- Lymph node 2002 1136.25 1136.25
892 OPD Biopsy- Skin except Hensens 2002 315 315
893 OPD By Specialists First Visit 2002 100 100
894 OPD By Specialists Revisit or each subsequent visit 2002 75 75
895 OPD Catheterisation 2002 125 125
896 OPD Consultation OPD - 2010 293 255
897 OPD Dilatation of Urethra 2002 1245 1245
898 OPD Dressings Large 2002 200 200
899 OPD Dressings Medium 2002 100 100
900 OPD Dressings Small 2002 50 50
901 OPD E. C. G. 2002 157.5 157.5
902 OPD E. E. G. 2002 883.75 883.75
903 OPD E. E. G. 2002 883.75 883.75
904 OPD First Visit 2002 50 50
905 OPD Incision & Drainage 2002 606.25 606.25
906 OPD Incubation (per day) 2002 757.5 757.5
907 OPD Injection for Haemorrhoids 2002 1262.5 1262.5
908 OPD Injection for Varicose veins 2002 1515 1515
909 OPD Injections (Chemotherapy) IV 2002 315 315
910 OPD Injections IM 2002 25 25
911 OPD Injections IV 2002 25 25
912 OPD Injections - SC 2002 25 25
913 OPD Intercostal Drainage 2002 1010 1010
914 OPD Lumbar puncture 2002 807.5 807.5
915 OPD Lung function lest 2002 706.25 706.25
916 OPD Medical Officers/Resident doctors First Visits 2002 50 50
917 OPD Medical Officers/Resident doctors Revisit or each subsequent visit 2002 37.5 37.5
918 OPD Peritoneal dialysis 2002 2272.5 2272.5
919 OPD Phimosis Under LA 2002 1515 1515
920 OPD Private First Visit 2002 100 100
921 OPD Private Revisit or each subsequent visit 2002 75 75
922 OPD Removal of Benign Tumor 2002 1136.25 1136.25
923 OPD Removal of Cyst 2002 1136.25 1136.25
924 OPD Removal of Foreign body 2002 631.25 631.25
925 OPD Removal of stitches 2002 75 75
926 OPD Revisited or each subsequent visit 2002 37.5 37.5
927 OPD Sternal puncture 2002 706.25 706.25
928 OPD Strapping 2002 125 125
929 OPD Stress test 2002 1515 1515
930 OPD Suturing with local anesthesia 2002 631.25 631.25
931 OPD Suturing without local anesthesia 2002 403.75 403.75
932 OPD Venesection 2002 302.5 302.5
933 Opthalmology Cauterisation of ulcer/sub conjunctival injection Both eyes (2002-SP) 302.5 302.5
934 Opthalmology Cauterisation of ulcer/sub conjunctival injection One eye (2002-SP) 200 200
935 Opthalmology Chalazion operation Both Eyes (2002-SP) 1010 1010
936 Opthalmology Chalazion operation One Eye (2002-SP) 883.75 883.75
937 Opthalmology Eye Dressing (2002-SP) 125 125
938 Opthalmology Foreign body removal (2002-SP) 403.75 403.75
939 Opthalmology IOL Implantation without cost of lens (2002-SP) 9375 9375
940 Opthalmology Ortho-optic check up (2002-SP) 100 100
941 Opthalmology Ortho-optic exercises (2002-SP) 125 125
942 Opthalmology Paracentesis (2002-SP) 1010 1010
943 Opthalmology Perimetry/ field test (2002-SP) 403.75 403.75
944 Opthalmology Plepoptic Exercises (2002-SP) 125 125
945 Opthalmology Refraction - 2010 288 250
946 Opthalmology Refraction / Fundoscopy - 2002 O 80 80
947 Opthalmology Refraction/ Fundoscopy (2002-SP) 100 100
948 Opthalmology Refraction / Fundoscopy - 2007 30 30
949 Opthalmology Retrobular injection Both Eyes (2002-SP) 378.75 378.75
950 Opthalmology Retrobular injection One eye (2002-SP) 200 200
951 Opthalmology Syringing of Lacrimal sac For both eyes (2002-SP) 302.5 302.5
952 Opthalmology Syringing of Lacrimal sac For one eye (2002-SP) 200 200
953 Physiotherapy (Orthopedics) Breathing Exercises & Postural Drainage (2002-SP) 87.5 87.5
954 Physiotherapy (Orthopedics) Cerebral palsy - Massage (2002-SP) 87.5 87.5
955 Physiotherapy (Orthopedics) Combined Lumbar & Cervical (2002-SP) 87.5 87.5
956 Physiotherapy (Orthopedics) Electrical stimulation (therapeutic) (2002-SP) 87.5 87.5
957 Physiotherapy (Orthopedics) Electric vibrator (2002-SP) 87.5 87.5
958 Physiotherapy (Orthopedics) Hot pack (2002-SP) 87.5 87.5
959 Physiotherapy (Orthopedics) Infra Lumbar Traction (2002-SP) 87.5 87.5
960 Physiotherapy (Orthopedics) Infra-red (2002-SP) 87.5 87.5
961 Physiotherapy (Orthopedics) Intermittent Cervical traction (2002-SP) 87.5 87.5
962 Physiotherapy (Orthopedics) Muscle testing and diagnostic (2002-SP) 87.5 87.5
963 Physiotherapy (Orthopedics) Obesity Exercises (2002-SP) 87.5 87.5
964 Physiotherapy (Orthopedics) Post - polio exercise (2002-SP) 87.5 87.5
965 Physiotherapy (Orthopedics) S.W. Diathermy (2002-SP) 87.5 87.5
966 Physiotherapy (Orthopedics) Ultrasonic therapy (2002-SP) 87.5 87.5
967 Physiotherapy (Orthopedics) U.V. Therapeutic dose (2002-SP) 87.5 87.5
968 Physiotherapy (Orthopedics) Vibrator belt massage (2002-SP) 87.5 87.5
969 Physiotherapy (Orthopedics) Wax bath (2002-SP) 87.5 87.5
970 Physiotherapy (Orthopedics) Whirl pool bath (2002-SP) 87.5 87.5
971 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Above elbow full plaster (2002-SP) 1262.5 1262.5
972 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Above elbow post- slab (2002-SP) 807.5 807.5
973 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Above knee full plaster (2002-SP) 3282.5 3282.5
974 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Above knee full slab (2002-SP) 2777.5 2777.5
975 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Amputations Above Elbow (2002-SP) 22725 22725
976 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Amputations Above Knee (2002-SP) 22725 22725
977 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Amputations Below Elbow (2002-SP) 15655 15655
978 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Amputations Below Knee (2002-SP) 15655 15655
979 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Amputations - Forequarter (2002-SP) 47250 47250
980 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Amputations - Hind Quarter and Hemipelvectomy (2002-SP) 47250 47250
981 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Anterolateral Decompression and Spinal Fusion (2002-SP) 42000 42000
982 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) A.O. Compression Procedures for Fracture Neck Femur (2002-SP) 42525 42525
983 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Application of Functional Cast Brace (2002-SP) 1767.5 1767.5
984 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Application of P.O.P Casts for Upper & Lower Limbs (2002-SP) 1262.5 1262.5
985 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Application of P.O.P. Spicas & Jackets (2002-SP) 3787.5 3787.5
986 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Application of Skeletal Tractions (2002-SP) 5050 5050
987 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Application of Skin Traction (2002-SP) 1691.25 1691.25
988 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Arthrodesis of Major Joints (2002-SP) 34125 34125
989 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Arthrodesis of Minor Joints (2002-SP) 15150 15150
990 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Arthroscopy - Diagnostic (2002-SP) 11615 11615
991 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Arthroscopy - Operative (2002-SP) 26250 26250
992 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Aspiration & lntra Articular Injections (2002-SP) 1010 1010
993 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Below knee full plaster (2002-SP) 1262.5 1262.5
994 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Below knee post-slab (2002-SP) 807.5 807.5
995 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Bone Grafting (2002-SP) 16160 16160
996 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Close Reduction of Dislocations (2002-SP) 3787.5 3787.5
997 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Close Reduction of Fractures of Limb & P.O.P. (2002-SP) 3787.5 3787.5
998 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Colles fracture Ant or post, slab (2002-SP) 1136.25 1136.25
999 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Colles fracture Below elbow (2002-SP) 1388.75 1388.75
1000 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Colles fracture Full plaster (2002-SP) 2272.5 2272.5
1001 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Corrective Osteotomy & Internal Fixation - Major (2002-SP) 34125 34125
1002 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Corrective Osteotomy & Internal Fixation - Minor (2002-SP) 16412.5 16412.5
1003 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Costo transversectomy (2002-SP) 30975 30975
1004 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Disarticulations - Major (2002-SP) 26775 26775
1005 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Disarticulations - Major (2002-SP) 26775 26775
1006 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Disarticulations - Minor (2002-SP) 15655 15655
1007 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Dissectomy (2002-SP) 35043.75 35043.75
1008 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Double hip spica (2002-SP) 4545 4545
1009 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Excision of Bone Tumours - Deep (2002-SP) 36045 36045
1010 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Excision of Bone Tumours - Superficial (2002-SP) 17675 17675
1011 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Excision of Cervical intervertebral Discs (2002-SP) 35437.5 35437.5
1012 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Excision of Ganglions (2002-SP) 5050 5050
1013 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Excision or other Operations for Scaphoid Fractures (2002-SP) 13130 13130
1014 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Fingers full plaster (2002-SP) 302.5 302.5
1015 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Fingers (post. slab) (2002-SP) 302.5 302.5
1016 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Laminectomy, Excision Disc and Tumours (2002-SP) 39375 39375
1017 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Minerva Jacket (2002-SP) 3787.5 3787.5
1018 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Multiple Pinning Fracture Neck Femur (2002-SP) 38325 38325
1019 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Myocutaneous and Fasciocutaneous Flap Procedures for Limbs (2002-SP) 27562.5 27562.5
1020 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Nail Plate Fixations for Fracture Neck Femur (2002-SP) 40950 40950
1021 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Nerve Repair with Grafting (2002-SP) 23987.5 23987.5
1022 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Neurolysis / Nerve Suture (2002-SP) 15655 15655
1023 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Open Reduction & internal Fixation of fingers & toes (2002-SP) 10100 10100
1024 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Open Reduction of Dislocations - Deep (2002-SP) 23987.5 23987.5
1025 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Open Reduction of Dislocations - Superficial (2002-SP) 12120 12120
1026 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Open Reduction of Fracture Dislocation and Internal Fixation (2002-SP) 35175 35175
1027 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Open Reduction of Fracture Neck Femur, Muscle Pedicle Graft and Internal Fixations (2002-SP) 36750 36750
1028 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Open Reduction of Long Bones of Upper and lower limbs - A.O. Procedures (2002-SP) 18937.5 18937.5
1029 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Open Reduction of Long Bones of Upper and lower limbs - Nailing & External Fixation (2002-SP) 16412.5 16412.5
1030 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Operations for Brachial Plexus & Cervical Rib (2002-SP) 32812.5 32812.5
1031 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Partial Hip Replacement (2002-SP) 39375 39375
1032 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Plaster Jacket (2002-SP) 3787.5 3787.5
1033 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Reduction of Compound Fractures (2002-SP) 4545 4545
1034 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Removal of Nails, Wires & Screw (2002-SP) 7070 7070
1035 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Removal of Plates (2002-SP) 9090 9090
1036 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Sequestrectomy & Saucerizations - Arthrotomy (2002-SP) 18180 18180
1037 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Sequestrectomy & Saucerizations - Deep (2002-SP) 24745 24745
1038 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Sequestrectomy & Saucerizations - Superficial (2002-SP) 15150 15150
1039 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Shoulder spica (2002-SP) 3787.5 3787.5
1040 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Single hip spica (2002-SP) 3787.5 3787.5
1041 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Soft Tissue Operation on Knee (2002-SP) 31500 31500
1042 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Soft Tissue Operations for Polio (2002-SP) 19821.25 19821.25
1043 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Soft Tissue Operations fur C.T.E.V. (2002-SP) 19695 19695
1044 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Spinal Osteotomy and Internal Fixations (2002-SP) 45675 45675
1045 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) S.P. Nailing for Fracture Neck Femur (2002-SP) 38325 38325
1046 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Tendon Lengthening/Tendon Sutures (2002-SP) 15655 15655
1047 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Tendon Transfer (2002-SP) 23987.5 23987.5
1048 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Tendon with Transplant or Graft (2002-SP) 23987.5 23987.5
1049 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Tension Band Wirings (2002-SP) 11362.5 11362.5
1050 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Total Ankle Joint Replacement (2002-SP) 165000 165000
1051 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Total Elbow Joint Replacement (2002-SP) 103125 103125
1052 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Total Hip Replacement (2002-SP) 118781.25 118781.25
1053 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Total Joint Replacement (2002-SP) 118781.25 118781.25
1054 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Total Knee Joint Replacement (2002-SP) 137500 137500
1055 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Total Shoulder Joint Replacement (2002-SP) 137500 137500
1056 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Total Wrist Joint Replacement (2002-SP) 103125 103125
1057 Plaster Work (Orthopedics) Tube Plaster (or plaster cylinder) (2002-SP) 1893.75 1893.75
1058 Radio-Isotope Therapy (Nuclear Medicine) Bone marrow scan (2002-SP) 3030 3030
1059 Radio-Isotope Therapy (Nuclear Medicine) Muga (Resting) (2002-SP) 3030 3030
1060 Radio-Isotope Therapy (Nuclear Medicine) Muga (Stress) (2002-SP) 3787.5 3787.5
1061 Radio-Isotope Therapy (Nuclear Medicine) Stress Thallium (2002-SP) 10612.5 10612.5
1062 Radio-Isotope Therapy (Nuclear Medicine) Whole body scan (2002-SP) 3030 3030
1063 Skin Chemical cautery (per sittings) (2002-SP) 125 125
1064 Skin Corns (2002-SP) 631.25 631.25
1065 Skin Excision- Moles (2002-SP) 631.25 631.25
1066 Skin Excision- Sebaceous cysts (2002-SP) 631.25 631.25
1067 Skin Excision- Warts (2002-SP) 631.25 631.25
1068 Skin I/D Injection keloid or Acne (2002-SP) 315 315
1069 Skin Molluscum contagiosum (2002-SP) 631.25 631.25
1070 Skin Skin Biopsy (2002-SP) 442.5 442.5
1071 Skin Veneral Warts (2002-SP) 631.25 631.25
1072 Strapping (Orthopedics) Ankle Strapping (2002-SP) 403.75 403.75
1073 Strapping (Orthopedics) Ball bandage (2002-SP) 606.25 606.25
1074 Strapping (Orthopedics) Bandage & Strappings for Fractures (2002-SP) 1515 1515
1075 Strapping (Orthopedics) Chest Strapping (2002-SP) 606.25 606.25
1076 Strapping (Orthopedics) Collar and cuff sling (2002-SP) 606.25 606.25
1077 Strapping (Orthopedics) Elbow Strapping (2002-SP) 403.75 403.75
1078 Strapping (Orthopedics) Figure of 8 bandage (2002-SP) 606.25 606.25
1079 Strapping (Orthopedics) Finger Strapping (2002-SP) 200 200
1080 Strapping (Orthopedics) Knee Strapping (2002-SP) 403.75 403.75
1081 Strapping (Orthopedics) Nasal bone fracture (2002-SP) 606.25 606.25
1082 Strapping (Orthopedics) Shoulder Strapping (2002-SP) 606.25 606.25
1083 Strapping (Orthopedics) Toes Strapping (2002-SP) 200 200
1084 Strapping (Orthopedics) Wrist Strapping (2002-SP) 403.75 403.75
Sr.No. Category Name Surgery Name NABH Rate NON-NABH Rate

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